
The Benefits of Track RLAs

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The RLA 3 Series - Linear Track, streamlines laboratory processes. It is a track-mounted lab assistant robot that allows you to safely collaborative between workers and robots.

The RLA 3 Series travels over ±360°, across linear motion axis, and the tracks can be up to 7 meters long.

The Benefits of a Track RLA

There are multiple advantages and benefits of using a track RLA to help increase efficiency and accuracy in a lab. Here’s how:

24 hour operation

Generally your lab will have two shifts per day, but with a track RLA, you can ensure a 24 hour operation without having to have round the clock shifts.

Space saving

Track RLAs are space-saving because everything is in alignment. When it comes to working within the lab, it’s ideal not to have each piece of equipment take up too much room.

A strong return on your investment

Track RLAs can be reconfigured for different processes within the lab. The carts come away so it's adaptable to the different processes within the lab, which means you get a good return of your investment.

Trackable and traceable

Track RLAs have real-time tracking capabilities which can monitor the location and status of each sample. This enhances tracking and traceability of samples and ensures transparency, which means that if there are any errors, investigation can be done.

Reduced manual errors

You can get more consistent and reliable results by minimising some of the human error associated with manual data entry and sample handling.

Astech Projects is a leader in lab automation solutions, and can help you to choose the right system to meet your needs. Contact us today to explore how we can help to optimise your workflow.

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