Inhaler Shaking
Do you need robust shaking equipment capable of replicating a range of parameters, allowing you to develop methods without delaying your analytical development process or quality control plans? Xelair® 1 Series Shaker is the answer.
Shake distance (amplitude), frequency, duration, acceleration, velocity and wave profile are all fully configurable. Set parameters and generate profiles in our intuitive Relovex® Graphical User Interface software. The floor mounted Shaker is more secure, stable and capable of delivering more aggressive shaking than bench mounted types, allowing shakes of up to 4Hz at 400mm amplitude. Device carriages can hold up to 10 canisters or fully assembled canisters/actuators at a time. Interchangeable device nests can be manufactured to accommodate new device designs or product variants such as those that include dose counter mechanisms.
Dose Content Uniformity
Waste Firing
Flow Generation
Actuation Through Life & Dose Counter Verification
Emitted Dose/Weight
Our ground breaking series of products for testing Dose Content Uniformity of the emitted dose as well as stand alone workstations for waste firing, shaking & firing, dose collection and physical device testing including actuation through life. Build your automated inhaler testing facility by selecting from our range of systems: Xelair® series products for Automated Delivered Dose Xelize® series products for Automated Andersen Cascade Impaction Xelox® series products for Automated NGI testing We can provide custom inhaler shake-fire solutions to meet your specific requirements including arc-inversion and rotary shake profiles. Shaker units can also be integrated into our fully automated Xelair®, Xelox® and Xelize® 5 Series systems. Talk to us about the parameters you need and the level of automation that suits your throughput requirements.
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